Tuesday, February 7, 2023

the path


women... more beautiful as they grow older

"Women get more Beautiful as they grow older. Not less.
Female youth is only prized in modern culture because it doesn't represent as much of a threat Spiritually to anyone who is frightened of Divine Feminine power.
As women Grow and Mature, they call in stronger forces of Sacred Feminine Wisdom.
They vibrate with the creative power of their stories.
They are more of a force to be reckoned with.
They see more, know more, feel more.
There comes a day, somewhere in the middle of every woman’s life, when Mother Nature herself stands behind us and wraps her arms around our shoulders,
whispering -
“It’s time.”
“You have taken enough now. It’s time to stop growing up, stop growing older and start growing wiser – and wilder.
There are adventures still waiting on you and this time, you will enjoy them with the vision of wisdom and the companionship of hindsight, and you will really let go.
It’s time to stop the madness of comparison and the ridicule of schedule and conformity and start experiencing the joys that a life, free of containment and guilt, can bring.”
She will shake your shoulders gently and remind you that you’ve done your bit. You’ve given too much, cared too much, you’ve suffered too much.
You’ve bought the book as it were and worn the t-shirt.
Worse, you’ve worn the chains and carried the weight of a burden far too heavy for your shoulders.
“It’s time,” she will say.
“Let it go, really let it go and feel the freedom of the fresh, clean spaces within you. Fill them with discovery, love and laughter.
Fill yourself so full you will no longer fear what is ahead and instead you will greet each day with the excitement of a child.”
She will remind you that if you choose to stop caring what other people think of you and instead of caring what you think of you, that you will experience a new era of your life you never dreamed possible.
‘It’s time,’ she will say.
“To write a new beginning,
of your own story.”
Women get more Beautiful
as they
Grow Older, not less."
Creator and Author.
Mike Harrigan.
I Am.
You Are.
We Are.
Global Consciousness.

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

things i have learned as a widow

i have learned...

how to sleep in the middle of the bed after years of sleeping on my own side.  now i even sleep on what was his side,

being alone isn't so bad once you adjust and accept.

some things aren't much fun on your own.

eventually everything ends so you need to grab the special moments when you can and savor the hell out of them.

it's good to move on but you shouldn't rush it.  every ending requires time for you to grieve.  only then can you heal and truly move forward.

you have to work through things, not around them.

journaling IS a path to healing.

not all therapists are helpful.  find one that is. 

you'll never "get over" the loss of a loved one but you will get through it.  and there is effort required in living and beginning a new normal.  new habits, new traditions, new adventures all begin with you.  in time the pain of loss will lessen.  

to count my blessings daily...and literally list them.

i'm special, just like everyone else.

that if i want to go anywhere i have to drive myself.   

you are suddenly in control of the remote and can watch whatever you like on tv.

none of us are immune to bad things happening.  that's called life so there's no point in feeling sorry for yourself.  but you will now and then and that's ok as long as you don't get stuck in victim mode.

that i can't always do it all by myself, that sometimes i need a helping hand.  if i do, it's ok and not a good idea to beat myself up over it.  it may be hard at first but it's really ok to ask for help.  but remember, no one is going to haul the groceries in but you.

to spend time with the people who allow you to talk about your loved one and your feelings.  

you have to care for yourself.  lack of food and rest will catch up with you and often in the form of illness.  your resistance is low.  vitamins are a good idea, too.

you get tired of people saying you're so strong.  it's not like you had a choice.  

instead of asking, "why me?", try asking, "why not me?"

keep talking to them.  they're around and listening.  

it's ok to fall in love again.  they may have died but you didn't and they would want you to be happy.

you will smile again.  life goes on and you will, too. 

the path