outside my window... it is dark and cold and there is still a dusting of snow left. the trash and recycling sit out front at the curb for tomorrow morning's pickup.
i am thinking...how i truly dislike these cold day of winter and it's barely just begun
from the kitchen...i just made a toasted turkey and cheese sandwich in my sandwich press. otherwise it is clean. yesterday's kitchen was busy with cookie making
i am wearing...black insulated leggings, army green sweatshirt that reads, "i like weed and maybe 3 people", black socks and house slippers. i still have my bra on, wtf?
i am reading...emir's education in the proper use of magical powers by jane roberts
i am hoping...and praying for shelter for all the homeless people
i am creating...a KORN Issues doll. i just finished a kodama (Japanese tree spirit) last week
i am hearing...the furnace fan blowing and the squeak in my desk chair as i turn
around the house...bedding washed and bed remade, refrigerator cleaned out of non-edible leftovers, groceries bought and put away
one of my favorite things...talking with my sis on the phone
i am looking forward to...thursday when i see jason
weekend plans include...christmas with jason, seeing some local and maybe not so local lights